

Quick Freezer

Super-commercial cold storage series

The super-commercial rear-filled cold storage series has both display and storage functions, and is an integrated refrigeration and freezing type, which does not occupy space and can be directly used for sales display.

Application scope: Convenience store, fresh supermarket

金坛市| 新竹市| 门头沟区| 漳州市| 呼图壁县| 图片| 灵石县| 新野县| 依安县| 习水县| 榆林市| 林甸县| 屯门区| 楚雄市| 分宜县| 边坝县| 澎湖县| 突泉县| 延长县| 泽普县| 卓尼县| 永泰县| 阳信县| 壤塘县| 大名县| 枣庄市| 柳州市| 思茅市| 开化县| 公主岭市| 平江县| 奈曼旗| 刚察县| 韶关市| 固阳县| 饶阳县| 江安县| 义马市| 涟水县| 承德县| 六枝特区|