

Double hinged door

Cold storage door series

Double hinged door

The different structure doorframe may manufacture convex door and jib door two kinds of types .

High strength,resistance to torsion aluminum alloy doorframe,may enable the entry size to achieve (W)3500mm*(H)4000mm.The greatest degree satisfies the customer the customer the widespread demand.

The storehouse gate uses the double handle.Reasonable function and structure, durable perfor-mance.With several patent technologies.Sealing property good.

甘南县| 琼结县| 株洲县| 辉县市| 苍溪县| 株洲市| 景德镇市| 正宁县| 资兴市| 天柱县| 海林市| 惠来县| 越西县| 敖汉旗| 靖远县| 淮滨县| 城步| 班戈县| 保德县| 蒙阴县| SHOW| 扬州市| 日土县| 诏安县| 潼关县| 巧家县| 莱州市| 分宜县| 文安县| 洪泽县| 巢湖市| 婺源县| 佳木斯市| 日喀则市| 保靖县| 铜梁县| 朝阳区| 余庆县| 嘉祥县| 武川县| 石嘴山市|